
Wednesday 27 December 2017

Day 3: Week 1 (Activity 1) - The more, the Merrier

I'll be happy living with more family members(seven -nine). I have 5 siblings now and its fun playing with them. When you have a big family, you have more people to protect you and look after you. When you have more family members, they have your back and the stick up for you when you get trouble from your parents, teachers or or kids.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Hi Sam,
My name is Patricia Santos and I'm one of the people who will be blogging with you for the Summer Learning Journey. It's awesome that you, despite of already having a big family, wouldn't mind it to be bigger. I agree with you, when you have lots of siblings you learn to take care and protect each other. I can sense that you are proud of your family and I really like that you used an image to support your text. Good job here!
Kia Kaha,

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