
Thursday 24 November 2016

Kiwi Sport

Today we played Touch for our Kiwi Sport. Our coach didn't teach us that much because some of my classmates didn't focus and was not listening to the coach. We played two games. First we played a game where everyone has to stand in a circle and pass 10 or 9 balls around the circle clockwise. Who ever touched the ball had to run around the park fast so we could play some more. The second game we played was Touch, but we changed the rules a bit. We were aloud to pass after getting touched, we were aloud to kick anytime.

We practised playing the ball and passing it back to the the person who got touched. We also learned how to play the ball and quickly so we could get back. Some of the people didn't get back quick enough, so we taught them.

We really had fun playing Touch and learning new skills about Touch.
Image result for Touch Rugby


Danni Stone said...

Hi Sam, I am glad that you enjoyed the session, despite it being a short one. It's still really important to be respectful out on the sports field and to be a good sportsman - games are far more fun this way!

Danni Stone said...

Hi Sam, I am glad that you enjoyed the session, despite it being a short one. It's still really important to be respectful out on the sports field and to be a good sportsman - games are far more fun this way!

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