
Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Website Development - Reflection 1

Introduction to HTML Tutorials Slidedeck
The purpose of this activity is to learn how to code and the new introductions to the different types of coding there is. I did complete and submit the Introduction to HTML Slidedeck within a day because I found it easy to complete. I met the Introduction to HTML Slidedeck criteria by taking a screenshot of each level or task I have completed. While working on this, I've learnt how to add Pictures, Videos, Links, etc. I've learnt to add <body></body>, <h1></h1>, <p></p>, etc. I will be able to use what I learnt from the activity, Introduction to HTML Slidedeck, to create my own fully functional website for my future job.
This is a link to my Slidedeck Introduction to HTML Tutorials

Learn CSS Tutorials Slidedeck
The purpose of this activity is to learn how to add colour and fonts to the Headings in the index.html. You can also add colour to the paragraphs and change the size of the writing too. I did complete the Learn CSS Slidedeck within 2 periods because I noticed this was sort of easy. I met the  Learn CSS Slidedeck Criteria by taking screenshots of both, index.html and style.css if I did work on both. I've learnt to change the font and colours of the headings and paragraphs in the index.html. I've learnt to add <p style "colour; red; font-size; 20px >.....</p>. I will be able to use what I learnt from the activity, Learn CSS Slidedeck, to make my own site more happy looking and original.
This is a link to my Slidedeck Learn CSS Tutorials 

Make a Website Tutorials Slidedeck
The purpose of this activity is to learn how to add Images, Paragraphs, Headings, Elements, etc. I did complete the Make a website Tutorials Slidedeck within a day because I followed the guidance and found this activity easy to complete. You can add Pictures, Videos, Headings, Paragraph, etc. I met the Mke a Website Tutorials Slidedeck criteria by taking a screenshot of my completed work on codecademy. I've learnt how to add <ul>.....<li><li><li>.....</ul>, <div>......</div>, etc.  I'll able to use what I learnt from the activity, Make a Website Tutorials Slidedeck, to create more paragraphs and more information about my site I'll be using for my future job.
This is a link to my Slidedeck Make a website Tutorials

3-Column Layout Website Link
The purpose of this activity is to learn how to make a layout for your liking if you're making your own site. You can add any information to this by adding it to the CodePen HTML. I finished this activity within a day because we only had to copy and paste and view the existing information, It was really easy. I've learnt to add nearly everything I learnt in Learn CSS, Introduction to HTML and Make a Website Tutorials Slidedeck. I've learnt to identify where the existing information and how to change it with my own information. I'll be able to use what I've learnt from the activity, 3-Column Layout Website Link, to create my own site with this 3-column layout.
This is a link to my Website 3-Column Layout

1-Column Wide Layout Website Link
The purpose of this activity is to learn how to make a layout for your liking if you're making your own site. You can add any information to this by adding it to the CodePen HTML. I finished this activity within a day because we only had to copy and paste and view the existing information, It was really easy. I've learnt to add nearly everything I learnt in Learn CSS, Introduction to HTML and Make a Website Tutorials Slidedeck. I've learnt to identify where the existing information and how to change it with my own information. I'll be able to use what I've learnt from the activity, 1-Column wide Layout website Link, to create my own site with this 1-Column Wide Layout Website Link.
This is a link to my Website 1-Column Wide Layout 

1-Column Layout Website Link
The purpose of this activity is to learn how to make a layout for your liking if you're making your own site. You can add any information to this by adding it to the CodePen HTML. I finished this activity within a day because we only had to copy and paste and view the existing information, It was really easy. I've learnt to add nearly everything I learnt in Learn CSS, Introduction to HTML and Make a Website Tutorials Slidedeck. I've learnt to identify where the existing information and how to change it with my own information. I'll be able to use what I've learnt from the activity, 1-Column Layout website Link, to create my own site with this 1-Column Layout Website Link.
This is a link to my Website 1-Colum Layout

Website Competition Brainstorm Ideas
The purpose of this activity is to brainstorm about your site for your liking and enjoyment of customers. You think about stuff to add to the brainstorm that'll help you with your Website. I finished this brainstorm within a day because I had a partner with me to help progress the work to the end. I 've learnt that brainstorming helps you with the work you're doing. I chose different games and sites because the more the better.
This is a link to my Website Competition Brainstorm Ideas

Website Competition Layout 1
The purpose of this activity is to teach us how to make our own website and what essentials we need to make it successful. I did complete and submit this within a week because it's hard to do. I met the Website Competition Layout 1 criteria because I finished it. I learnt how to make our own site with pictures and videos. I added the headings and the information about that existing title. I did a website about Wikipedia. I also added the Topics that were on Wikipedia.
This is a link to my Website Competition Layout 1